First of all, I would like to express my satisfaction for obtaining the opportunity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our Company and I thank all of my colleagues who have contributed to this.

We have strived, as much as we could even under difficult conditions, contribute with keenness and sincerity to the development efforts of our country, benef itting from the possibilities provided by globalisation, utilising the most advanced technologies and most contemporary technical methods and we always believed in and considered the fact that it is our duty obtain the opportunity to compete at every level.
With this belief, we have rendered service both in the public and the private sectors. We have felt comfort and pride in providing the most suitable service to the reinforcement, repair and modernisation works, realized in order to remedy the damage caused by the agonising earthquake of August 17, 1999 and to realise secure constructions.
The successful jobs we have realized
in Yalova and Kartal, have led our Company to be recognised and seeked as an expert Company in the remedy and reinforcement of the earthquake damages. We have realized major projects in the construction of offices, business centers and production plants.
Within this period of 20 years,
our colleagues have keenly and meticulously placed a major importance to quality and time, always considering technology, therefore matching my experience accumulated in 50 years in the public and private sector projects in Turkey and abroad.
I am proud of being under the same roof with the young, dynamic, right minded, responsible, informed, decent employees of Can Construction Industry Trade Ltd. Co. The members of our Company are aware that, the indispensable quality of business life is to offer “The best quality, in
the shortest time possible” and they turned this principle into indispensable passion for them. Our Company has established mutual trust in the relations and has been fully committed to the principles I have mentioned above and the success achieved has brought appreciation in business life and in its environment, making me and all of the “Can Brothers” invaluably proud.
We believe that we will achieve many other successful jobs together in the future and we already feel proud of our future achievements.
Gurhan Çelebican
Honorary President
(1931 - 2013)